Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving and a trip to Starkville

We have been pretty busy the last few weeks. First was a trip to Grenada and a visit with SE's brother Seth and his wife Chrissy and their boys Jack and Joey. Airey was worn out trying to keep up with those two! We went to the MSU vs. Ark game that same weekend in Starkville. It turned out to be a rare win for the Bulldogs, which was a pleasant surprise. It also turned out to be Coach Croom's final game as coach in Starkville, so we've got that going for us :)....which is nice.

The following week brought thanksgiving and a lot of food, football, and relaxation. I was off for the Thursday/Friday of Thanksgiving week and we stayed around the house all weekend. SE got her Christmas decoration on and we put up the tree and all the other bells and whistles that go along with the Holiday season. Airey found his favorite ornament on the first go-around scoping out the tree ---- He screamed out GOLF CART!!!!! and was soooo excited he could hardly stand it. Now, every time he walks by the tree its "GOLF CART!!!" followed by a few mintues of pointing and wooooing. Yep, thats my boy!
The Cowboys won :) and the Bulldogs got smoked by the rebs :( but we enjoyed it all and had a great time playing and having a long weekend with the boys.

Airey is talking and repeats everything we say! Yikes.... watching football is much harder than you think when you have a 22 month old who repeats everything!

Campbell is growing by the minute and weighs about 15lbs now. Doubled his birth weight in the first 3+ months. That is definitely not the Cole genes working there ;)

Pics from the last few weeks:

These boys love their mommy!

Family shot on Thanksgiving at the Glenn's

Airey and his great godfather,BG, reading the "Big Truck" book

Finally, we would like to congratulate team Lynch on the news of another little one on the way! We know Ella Catherine will be a fantastic big sis and we cant wait for the arrival of baby Lynch #2.

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