Monday, October 19, 2009

catching up

we had a fun filled weekend of catching up with friends! Saturday the Johnston's had us over for some football and chili along with the Van Epps. The 6 boys had a blast together and Im sure Brian and Kristy are STILL cleaning up the mess that ran room to room! We enjoyed catching up with the adults while the boys enjoyed playtime and had my "pink" pumpkins for dessert....long story....of course I buy food coloring to make orange pumpkin cookies.....and of course it somehow doesn't make it into the pantry....and of course I find it as soon as I used the only food coloring I had "red" to make pumpkins.....haha....story of my life! Sorry about getting off track....back to the weekend. Sunday we had the Pattersons over to grill out and see our Godson Gray and his lil sis Hazey :) Boy did Gray, Airey and Campbell have a great time squealing and chasing each other all over the house! Hayes was so sweet and is just getting bigger by the second. Campbell is SO close to walking now that he had to play catch up all weekend with the big boys, so it wont be long :) Great catching up with our old "highpoint" friends over a great bottle of wine and good convo. Until next week.....Take, the cole patrol!

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